June 25 Well, I knew it had been quite awhile since I'd done a site update, but I didn't know it had been nearly-a-year-long! But I have a partial excuse--I've been very busy going to WAY more TMBG shows on this past tour than I ever have before. So many, in fact, that I'm gonna have to spread out posting my own show photos because I'm still sorting them. So I'm going to be spreading out updates for the next little while, with other stuff included in each.
So! To start with I've got pictures from five shows in September 2022. Also! A whopping 100 new articles! Also! Fixed the zip of circa Severe Tire Damage demos, which somehow got messed up and only included about half of what was actually supposed to be there (thanks to Steve for alerting me to this). Enjoy, and more to come soon.